Well, it's been a full year since I took over managing duties at the Broadkill Review. We are a volunteer editorial staff/board/collective, and share the responsibilities of putting out a bi-monthly literary magazine with a focus on writing from the Mid-Atlantic.
Largely, my job has been to put the journal out on the web. I did my best, maintaining the traditional feel of the BKR. If we were a print magazine, we'd look a lot like the American Poetry Journal; for nearly a decade the BKR published a pdf emailed journal, structured and modeled on a tabloid publication.
It is possible that I may begin to tweak the website to make it more visually stunning. It takes work, though, and I have novels to edit, poetry manuscripts to arrange, new poems to write, and books to read and review.
Anyhoo: here's links to some reviews:
Grace Cavalieri
Joan Colby
Grant Clauser
HA Maxson
Ramsey Scott
Michael Tims
FYI--The majority of the books we are asked/sent to review at The Broadkilll Review are written by white men. Please help me change that. Send us your books.
If you have an editorial question regarding the Broadkill Review: email us at broadkillreview@gmail.com