From Share My Destiny's Archive: Mark Evans No Shelter From Darkness is top shelf #vampire #fiction, #review
Mark D Evans No Cover From Darkness is a nail biting coming of age novel set among the romantic and dangerous world of World War Two London during the Nazi bombing runs that razed the city. It's a horror story in the high romantic tradition of Stoker, Stevenson, and Shelley. Evans lays groundwork for a series that promises to grow into a pulpy action horror fun, but his origin story is all character, about an orphaned girl, Beth, who grows into a vampire as she moves into puberty, and the horrors of adult life, and all it's passion and thrill which are mirrored in her vampire awakening. Much of the action of Darkness is inward, and Elizabeth, or Beth, the protagonist is for the most part a normal girl, adopted into a middle class London family at birth, and raised in a sheltered world of school and pesky little brothers. The Nazis bombing raids wreak havoc upon the family's life, and the neighborhood, and between the terrorizing bombs and the aftermath of the explosi...