The quotidian project closed last month. Read a little about it here, and here. It's been fun. Which was the heart of the whole project in the first place. The Black Narrows is available.
It's summer. No more daily writing of poems,but I'm revising and editing, which is where the real work lies.
Thank you for reading, sharing, and discussing the poems or the project. I'll still post poems and short stories on Figment and Wattpad regularly, I promise. Special thanks to Seasofme and Lisaner, especially for their kind Wattpad comments, and occasional editorial notes.
I'll be grinding out some YA/Speculative Fiction of the big and broad and magical variety. It's been cooking and all I can really say is: sharks, giant spiders, mermaids, airships, and a house that forgot it was a boat. Stay tuned.
Soon there will be a book trailer for my first, well reviewed, but hardly read Seven Days on the Mountain. It's cool making movies. Takes time. Lots of it. Working on the music for the trailer and the fine editing details. Will post it as soon as possible.
For budding writers, students and anyone wanting to get their pen on:I write daily for many jobs, and am happy to answer any questions through Wattpad or Figment. Don't be shy. Just be patient.
It's a day, go out and have an adventure. In your head. Go on, I dare you.