I gave Falling Skies a chance. I like my sci-fi dark. I like my characters to undergo a personal transformation by fire, and come out on the other side. Some make it. Some don't. Noah Wylie (see second pic) is a great lead, a father, history teacher, who is the narrator by proxy; it is through his eyes and heart that we experience the alien invasion. And these aliens are bad-ass, and they have mech soldiers to rip flesh into ashes, and they take control of children via Alien-meets-Invasion of the Body Snatchers , and through the horrible experience the creators make sometimes profound and sometimes mundane observations & reflections about the nature of man, the nature of democracy, the nature of war, and parenthood. It is good TV. However the more I watched it the more I just wanted to start watching Battlestar Galactica all over again. BSG won a Peabody Award , for excellence, and reflected post 9-11 culture, from the suicide bombers perspective, the perspective of the o...
Clippings, news, and ephemera from writer Stephen Scott Whitaker