Seven Days on the Mountain, avialble on Amazon, Thursday, June 30th, is based on Homer’s The Odyssey. S Scott Whitaker's young adult action thriller is centered around Callie Grady, a clever teen girl who uses her wits and skill to survive in an America ripped apart by a new civil war, an uncertain dystopian future. In the midst of the turmoil, the blood, the death, Callie learns to trust herself, learns to survive, and most importantly learns to love. It’s a novel that combines elements of action-adventure, family drama, and the supernatural into a fast paced adventure. While geared towards the teen set, adults will find much in the novel to admire and enjoy, much like Gregory Galloway’s As Simple as Snow , Nel Shusterman's Unzipped , or Gary Paulsen’s adventure novels such as Hatchet . From the author's forward: "As a young man I was drawn to films such as The Road Warrior, Blade Runner, Red Dawn , and other ...
Clippings, news, and ephemera from writer Stephen Scott Whitaker