In defense of the Clone Wars The latest Star Wars film, the animated action adventure The Clone Wars is not good theater, nor is it good theatre, it’s only a mediocre kids movie at that. So why defend it? I’ve read about a dozen reviews which slam the film for being what the franchise became as soon as the Ewoks took over Jedi in the mid-eighties…wooden and dumb. Of the seven movies only four of them are good, and only two are great. When Lucas revisited the story line he began with episode IV in the 70s it was the cinematic equivalent of the Stones reuniting for yet another world tour. The newest four films are rehashed formulas with familiar rhythms parents and their small children can move in and out of with ease. Look R2 is going to fall off a cliff and scream….Look Threepio is going to make an awkward entrance….Look Anakin’s got that dark glint in his eye again…oh no another cheeky droid soldier! The animation style of the Clone Wars is a mix of blocky game enh...
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